Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Week 6 - Placement 2

This week we were with Ria for the majority of the day. Ria had moved office earlier in the week and she still ad some books and boxes to transfer over to her new office. Ruth and I, along with two girls also on work experience moved all of her manuals over to her new office. We also sorted them out in numeric order. 

Just before we had our morning break Ria brought us down to the lab where Walter works. He demonstrated two of he experiments he would be working on with the first years later on in the day. We also set up the apparatus need for the experiment which we would be preforming after small break. 

At around 11:30 we returned to the lab with another post grad student on work experience. She had already carried out this experiment before so she was able to help us with anything we got stuck on. We all worked away on our own and followed the method in the first year manual. The test ad to carried out three times and the amount of liquid used to neutralize the acid had to be recorded and then averaged.

Once we ad finished with the first experiment we moved onto the second which was basically the same just slightly easier and simpler to carry out. When we had found the average result of both experiment we worked out the maths behind i and tired to calculate the amount of moles used. We were finished and cleaned up just in time for lunch at 1:00.

After lunch we went to a small board room up stairs for a talk on the future of pharmacutical science and chemistry at third level. I found the talk from Declan really interesting and really gave me a clearer idea of what coarses were like at third level. Declan was excellent at explaining the process and was really helpful in answering our questions. 

For the last hour of the day we went down to the chemical store room to put away a new order of chemicals and through out any rubbish in the store room. When we were finished we were able to go home at 4:00. 

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